The root CA must be installed on the client device to ensure that the client trusts server certificates that are signed by your private CAs.

As mentioned in a previous post, Android 4.0 (ICS) adds both a system UI and SDK API's that let you add certificates to the system trust store. Solution: There are two solutions here, one is to download the untrusted cert, and load it when connect to the server. (w/ invalid cert on server side) Last modified: 2017-08-18 07:38:31 UTC (w/ invalid cert on server side) Last modified: 2017-08-18 07:38:31 UTC

About Android Post The “connection.getInputStream()” Will be get "SSLHandshakeException:" Trust anchor for certification path not found How can I resolve that about this Exception. The trust anchor must be in the possession of the trusting party beforehand to make any further certificate path validation possible.

The root CA must be installed on the client device to ensure that the client trusts server certificates that are signed by your private CAs. In cryptographic systems with hierarchical structure, a trust anchor is an authoritative entity for which trust is assumed and not derived.. Handling custom SSL Certificates on Android and fixing SSLHandshakeException. Android SSL - Certificate not trusted. As mentioned in a previous post, Android 4.0 (ICS) adds both a system UI and SDK API's that let you add certificates to the system trust store.On all previous version though, the system trust store is read-only and there is no way to add certificates on non-rooted devices. Included in this is the definition of the PKI CA Object Class.

Android App 安全的HTTPS 通信. 转自天猫 Android开发工程师:Longerian 原文阅读:Android App 安全的HTTPS 通信 起因.

But many a time we face the SSLHandshakeException ( Trust anchor for certification path not found.)

Android Question [solved] WSS - Trust anchor for certification path not found.

Public keys act as an authority to verify a digital signature’s authenticity. By default, secure connections (using protocols like TLS and HTTPS) from all apps trust the pre-installed system CAs, and apps targeting Android 6.0 (API level 23) and lower also trust the user-added CA …

To establish trust for your server certificate, you must install the trust anchor certificate (root CA) on the client device.

Installing the root CA on Android. Thread starter LucaMs; Start date Jun 16, 2018; Tags client server ssl websocket wss; Similar threads B4A Library WebSocket Client Library B4A Question SSL Websocket client B4A Code Snippet [B4X] MQTT SSL and Self Signed Certificates B4J Code Snippet [B4X] Trust all SSL Socket B4A Question WSS …

About this task To establish trust for your server certificate, you must install the trust anchor certificate (root CA) on the client device. This includes the crossCertificatePair Attribute. to be particular.