În plus, trebuie să alegi unul cu +20%, altfel rişti să arzi „cerebelul”! ... 30-11-07, 10:03 Box Vs Tray #1. gmaitre.

So the tray version of a cpu I'm buying is a bit cheaper than the boxed one. 727 comments. 3 years ago.

Deşi în ultimii ani fiind în Grecia am lăsat-o moartă cu service-ul, experienţa dinainte mă face să fiu foarte prudent când e vorba de CPU/ CPU Fan. Gândeşte-te însă că, la Tray mai trebuie şi coolerul, care separat, te cam costă! Intel sendiri tidak pernah mengeluarkan processor tray untuk dijual di retail, jadi processor tray ini umumnya adalah copotan dari beragam pc seperti Acer, Dell, Lenovo, dll atau bahkan rakitan lokal 4.

34.3k. Soll ich meinen CPU als Boxed- oder Tray-Version kaufen? Tray vs Boxed CPU's. Tray dan box kualitasnya sama. Boxed Processor Vs. Tray Processor. Born 18.01.2020 weighing 7lbs 3oz, incredibly proud father! 4 comments. Hat man den richtigen Prozessor für die eigenen Bedürfnisse gefunden, bleiben immer noch 2-3 Fragen übrig; neben der typischen Konfusion über das ‚K‘ bei Intel-CPUs hören wir immer wieder folgende Frage:. 1) PIB, NIB, or RETAIL BOX = CPU which includes manufacturer's heat sink & fan, and has a 3 YEAR WARRANTY.

What is the difference between the two? correggo solo leo sul fatto che i tray ne hanno 2 di anni di garanzia..contro i3 delle versioni Box. Archived. Fan => Processor Box sudah pasti akan mendapatkan Fan Original Intel, sedangkan Processor Tray belum tentu mendapatkan Fan Original Intel 3.

Small businesses rely on computers to do everything from accounting and invoicing to creating marketing materials. Posted by. share.

Motherboards, CPU και memory; Box Vs Tray; Login Form. share. 1. 2) OEM or TRAY CPU = have NO manufacturer's warranty.

Close. Build. Specs/Imgur here. CPU là loại linh kiện khó có thể làm giả vì vậy cả hai loại Box và Tray CPU đều là hàng chính hãng. analisa box vs tray beda hanya kurang lebih 100rb box hsf nya udah dapat yang bagus dan bergaransi tray hsf nya jelek garansi perlu dipertanyakan dan supaya sama pembeli mesti beli lagi hsf yang bagus biar awet dengan menambah biaya yang menurut sya tdk sebanding dengan selisihnya. Non credo che il dissipatore del 2160 sia adatto all'8400..credo sia … 2. Satu hal yang harus kamu ketahui, sebenarnya tidak ada perbedaan dari segi kualitas diantara CPU versi retail atau disebut juga dengan prosesor box apabila dibandingkan dengan prosesor versi OEM / Original Equipment Manufacturer alias versi tray. Trotz aller Guides und Erklärungen im Internet: Auch beim CPU-Kauf kann man Fehler machen. Warranty is supplied by seller.

Build. Tray vs Boxed CPU's. 1. Perbandingan dari segi kualitas dan kelengkapan. Box.