router: { routes: [ { name: 'index', path: ... Nuxt.js lets you create nested route by using the children routes of vue-router. Vue.js provide bunch of features to build a reusable web components,Routing is one of those methods,it allow user switch between pages without page refreshing the … So in this article, I’ll explain how Vue.js routers work by building a Vue template as an example. We will be using vue-cli to generate a new Vue.js project.

Since this route is a child of a route that has the EmptyRouterView component, these components directly fill the router-views specified in our EmptyRouterView Component..

use (Router) export default new Router ({routes: [{path: '/', name: 'Hello', component: Hello }]}). path:是路径,还可以有二级路径比如 path: '/system/setting',但是name就没有了,name就相当于给你的这个 path 起个名字方便记住,也可以不设置 name。 We need to have Node.js installed. flatRoutes.push([, route ]); // for example but then you should make sure that the key 'name' does exist in your route definitions. vue-router.esm.js?fe87:16 [vue-router] Route with name 'page' does not exist 11-28 1655 . Follow the steps given below: Setting Up Routes So, let’s get started with our Vue.js Router project by installing and creating a new Vue.js project.

import Vue from 'vue' import Router from 'vue-router' import Hello from '@/components/Hello' Vue. I decided to use the path as key, because this is the only required setting of a route as you can see here . 方法一:通过 watch 或 或 方法二::key是用来阻止“复用”的。 Vue 为你提供了一种方式来声明“这两个元素是完全独立的——不要复用它们”。只需添加一个具有唯一值的 key

The first two lines are importing vue and vue-router. We will discuss why in a bit. Next you need to call Vue.use(Router) to make sure that Router is added as a middleware to our Vue project. For our dialog route with name nested.dialog at the url /nested/dialog we specify the components MyPageView as the background and MyDialogComponent for the dialog itself.

To define the parent component of a nested route, you need to create a Vue file with the same name as the directory which contain your children views. First Router is imported from the vue-router package via import statement. This was already it.

Getting started. The third line is importing a component called Hello.