But when it comes to front-end display, it can become tricky to make it compatible with the actual WordPress theme.

In the settings of the field there is no such functionality. Installation. googled, as far as possible came to the conclusion that you should write the test yourself. Bilingual website . Home › Forums › Feedback › Basic textfield with simple formatting options (bold, italic, links, …) Solving Basic textfield with simple formatting options (bold, italic, links, …) brunocloutier September 15, 2016 at 12:33 am Been using ACF pretty much since the beginning, but I have always wondered why we can’t create simple, one line textfields … (Header / text / link fields will be wrapped in /

/ tags) I use ACF and WPML plugins. Clone this repo into your Sublime packages folder. Text input fields are the most common factors of a contact form. Autocomplete allows the browser to predict the value. When setting up the field, change the formatting option to HTML instead of none and it'll keep the tag around your link. The atom version of this package is available at smilledge/acf-atom-snippets.. Put WP 5.0.3. Using the ACF module, added the slug field, which should be unique to post_id. ACF Form is an awesome tool. In this tutorial we'll see how to make ACF Form use Bootstrap 4 logic. Sublime ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) Snippets.

You don't need to change it to WYSIWYG in order to keep links as links in ACF. As you may know, HTML has two types of elements for text input fields: for a single-line input; and