Secret codes for Android. Similarly, you can get information about the phone, details of the apps you have been using, battery information and much more.

In this example, we are going to create a sensor application that changes the background color of activity when device is shaked.

If anyone would like to create a Google Doc from this information please feel free I will add a link to this post. N'oubliez pas que android:required="true" sert à préciser que la présence de l'accéléromètre est absolument indispensable. As pointed out from comments these are mostly for Samsung, I have added some for HTC below. With the help of such code, you can easily check the phone’s hardware and software. I'm sure this has been asked here many times but, are there any examples on the Internet about gyroscope Android development. List of Android “Secret” Codes, Tips, and Tricks. Your votes will be used in our system to get more good examples. Android Sensor Example activity_main.xml You can vote up the examples you like. SAMSUNG CODES. Android Sensor Example. Android Sensors Examples. March 16, 2018. If you want more sophisticated codes that can do various tasks or provide you with more information about the device, here are all the Android Secret Codes that you could use. Découvrez tous les codes secrets Android à utiliser sur les smartphones et tablettes, pour tout maîtriser sur les menus cachés.
The following are Jave code examples for showing how to use TYPE_PRESSURE of the android.hardware.Sensor class. Like I said this is just a start we can build form it. Then this article will help you with android secret codes.

If you use any android phone you are already aware of all the options supported by this platform, but there are some tricks that maybe you don’t know. Because the Gyroscope intrigues me and I think it could make for a pretty good thing to work with. For understanding about sensor basics, visit the previous page that provides details about sensor api. Secret Codes also helps us to enable and disable lots of hidden setting. Android supports sensors which provide the measurements of certain properties such as device motion, orientation and rotation, pressure, temperature, light, magnetic field, proximity and humidity. The *#*#4636#*#* is the most common code that people use. List of Android "Secret" Codes, Tips, and Tricks. These codes are used during the hardware and software test on Android.