We are developing multiplayer VR application using oculus SDK in unity editor, But Non VR android also our target platform.

Usually Dive SDK works with global rotation instead of local rotation in terms of Unity hierarchy which is bypassed by this approach. I think Oculus SDK forces the application to render in VR mode only. Google VR SDK for Unity.
2017.4 LTS is still supported. when i follow the tutorial from youtube videos, they say i have to import google VR sdk, while the unity 2018.1.5f1 say no about the google VR sdk.

I'm new with unity and trying to build an android VR game using unity 2018.1.5f1. Building a Google Cardboard VR App in Unity. Removed all instances of deprecated GUILayer component from the Main Camera in all sample scenes, for compatibility with Unity 2019.3. We want to open in Non VR … Documentation Design Guidelines Google Cardboard design guidelines focus on overall usability, as well as avoiding common VR pitfalls. Unity - Android/iOS The Cardboard SDK for Unity allows you to easily bring your Unity 3D projects to VR on Android and iOS. ... Android SDK Platform-tools – This will be right after the SDK Tools. Dropped support for Unity 2018.1 due to lack of Java8 support and the Google VR SDK for Android now requiring it. Google VR provides an SDK for Unity that allows you to build VR content for this rich ecosystem of devices. It works with Unity supported XR plug-ins and is available as a Preview package A preview package is in development and not yet ready for production.

When we build our application as Non VR(VR disabled),It is still opening in VR mode.

Google VR technologies includes Daydream, a platform for high quality mobile VR and Cardboard, built for bite-size VR experiences and 360 video. Hello all. GVR SDK for Unity v1.200.1 (2019-07-17) Breaking changes. Unity’s XR Interaction Toolkit enables you to add interactivity to your VR applications, without having to code the interactions from scratch. Contribute to googlevr/gvr-unity-sdk development by creating an account on GitHub. sitting in a rollercoaster) you would have to add the influencing GameObject to DiveSensor.cs. So if you want to create an effect where the player's virtual head rotation is influenced by another object (e.g. Deprecations. Dropped support for Unity 2018.1 due to lack of Java8 support and the Google VR SDK for Android now requiring it.

Installing Android SDK for Unity3D using SDK Tools and CLI June 30, 2017 markey 22d Comments I don’t know why but last weeks I found myself several times in a situation that I had to create Android builds in the Unity3D on new computers or reinstalled ones.