This means “Are you well?” Or you may ask 어떻게 지냈어요? Here's an example from a rap song: You are, apparently, not interested in how a person is, because evidently all the common answers are not acceptable to you, but in how a person is doing. Feb 08 2015 22:40:06. anonymous; Teachers: We supply a list of EFL job … Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "i hope you are all doing well" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. AlpheccaStars; Thanks! How are you doing?

So "How are you doing?" / I'm doing well. is more warmful but it can be felt as a little too friendly in a formal context. A bit more formal: "I hope this email finds you well/in good shape." [jal jinaesseoyo?) Well if you read to the end, thank you very much and I hope you will always look for the Little Engine That Could column to keep aware of what we do for ISAAC. Hope you're doing well, too. Reply To 'Hope You Are Doing Well'? Also w enn Sie bis zu m Ende lesen, vielen D an k und ich hoffe, Sie seh en sich regelmäßig die Rubrik "die kleine mutige Dampflok" an, die dazu dient zu zeigen, was w ir fü r I SAA C tun . In practice, no one really cares about the difference, but there is a fault in your question. Less casual, but informal: "I hope you're/you are doing well/great." "Hope you're doing well/great." "Hope this email finds you well/in good shape." "Hope your day is going well." Viele übersetzte Beispielsätze mit "you and your family are doing well" – Deutsch-Englisch Wörterbuch und Suchmaschine für Millionen von Deutsch-Übersetzungen. when you don't know the person very well, or when you meet someone for the first time, whereas you would say "How are you doing?" If by “Are you doing well?” you mean to ask “How are you?”, how they’ve been, if they are healthy, etc., rather than if they are doing well in something, then: 잘 지냈어요? Forums Vocabulary & Idioms 12 155,272; in a professional e-mail, what should be the reply to "hope you are doing well " Jan 22 2015 19:47:43. anonymous; 1 2. "I hope your day is going well." when you already know someone, or act as if you already knew them. The bottom line is that ReyBoadi's question is about how to respond to the salutation, not how to answer the (implied) inquiry.

Thank you for wishing me well.. Jan 22 2015 20:37:07.

"I hope you are doing well" doesn't even look like a question (grammatically), so it seems somewhat inappropriate to respond by actually making a statement about your health.