I've also checked the rules, and read and write is set for authenticated users. Enter the bundle ID, as "com.google.firebase.codelab.FriendlyChatSwift". Enter the App Store id as "123456". The sample app, Playchat, stores chat messages in the Firebase Realtime Database, which automatically synchronizes that data across devices. For that, in console it asks for an FCM token.
Well, if you have, you will probably be aware of the fact that an app has normally a back-end which includes the logic and integration with a database, and a front-end which helps the user interact with our application. Here's my code: I decided to use this service in my Pokidex app and create a simple campaign message asking the users to rate the app on Google Play store.

Click Register App. Add GoogleService-Info.plist file to your app. I want to save their profile data upon their registration using their uid. Firebase gives you functionality like analytics, databases, messaging and crash reporting so you can move quickly and focus on your users.

‎Have you ever wanted to create a web app? On the second screen click Download GoogleService-Info.plist to download a configuration file that contains all the necessary Firebase metadata for your app. The app does use third party services that may collect information used to identify you. If you want your app to process user data or orchestrate events, you can extend Firebase with the App Engine flexible environment to perform automatic real-time data synchronization. Exploring Firebase In-App messaging. Although the registration is successful, profile is not saving in the firebase database. I'm making socialmedia-like app that has user profile. For obtaining your Firebase Database URL and Secret Key follow below mention steps: Step 1 : Go to Firebase.com Step 2 : If you have a Firebase account, Sign in, else create an account Step 3 : Click on Get Started Step 4 : Click on Create a Project Step 5 : Enter Project name and tick mark the checkbox to accept Firebase terms. Handling user authentication with Firebase in your React apps March 5, 2020 14 min read 3991 Sometimes, while building an application, we want each user to have a personalized experience. Link to privacy policy of third party service providers used by the app In the new Firebase, under Notification, they have mentioned that developer can send notification to a particular device. Firebase is built on Google infrastructure and scales automatically, for even the largest apps. How to Obtain Your Firebase (Data) Url and Secret Key? Download Firebase Pocket Guide and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.