When Python code requests paths as bytes, the paths will be transcoded from utf-16-le into utf-8 using surrogatepass (Windows does not validate surrogate pairs, so it is possible to have invalid surrogates in filenames).

Here’s a problem I solved today: I have a CSV file to parse which contained UTF-8 strings, and I want to parse it using Python. Das deutsche Python-Forum. Wenn ich es tue: file = codecs.open("temp", "w", "utf-8") file.write(codecs.BOM_UTF8) file.close() Es … Encoding Problem Ascii in Utf-8. Seit 2002 Diskussionen rund um die Programmiersprache Python. Having a third-party library is mildly annoying, but it’s easier than trying to write, test and maintain this functionality myself. I'm developing a multi-platform app for Linux and Windows 7. This proved to be non-trivial, so this blog post is a quick brain dump of what I did, in the hope it’s useful to somebody else and/or my future self. Schreiben Sie in Python in die UTF-8-Datei (3) Ich bin wirklich verwirrt mit der codecs.open function. To increase the reliability with which a UTF-8 encoding can be detected, Microsoft invented a variant of UTF-8 (that Python 2.5 calls "utf-8-sig") for its Notepad program: Before any of the Unicode characters is written to the file, a UTF-8 encoded BOM (which looks like this as a byte sequence: 0xef, 0xbb, 0xbf) is written. And opening binary file without "b" option is very common mistake of new developers. 4.9.2 Standard Encodings Python comes with a number of codecs built-in, either implemented as C functions or with dictionaries as mapping tables. Here’s what that means: Python 3 source code is assumed to be UTF-8 by default. Perhaps there are some languages that the encoding have to be pointed out explicitly. Thanks much for the tip on open(…, encoding='utf-8')! Du musst die Links noch besser lesen.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-Il existe cette autre syntaxe pour indiquer un encodage : # coding: utf-8.

L'encoding de votre fichier . Dabei geht es mir nicht um die korrekte Darstellung von dem was wirklich im … The following table lists the codecs by name, together with a few common aliases, and the languages for which the encoding is likely used. wandelst Du explizit in das gewünschte Encoding.

python2.x系は、strオブジェクトとunicodeオブジェクトが別々なのでややこしい。 いろいろ調べているうちにこんな感じになった。 python3.x系はテキストはunicode処理されるので、もっと簡単らしい。 …
Intern arbeitest Du dann nur mit Unicode und wandelst dann direkt vor der Ausgabe (egal ob Shell oder Datei o.ä.) I've also learned that UltraEdit (famous Windows editor) encodes files in Latin1 while PyScripter (IDE) uses UTF-8, so the latter is a much better alternative when working with accented strings. Von Python, Umlauten, Unicode und Encodings Immer wieder tauchen Fragen zu Umlauten und Unicode auf. Having a third-party library is mildly annoying, but it’s easier than trying to write, test and maintain this functionality myself. A noter que par défaut l'encoding est en utf-8 pour python 3. Python 3 is all-in on Unicode and UTF-8 specifically. The utf8 option proposed for Windows. All text (str) is Unicode by default. Equally, when paths are provided as bytes, they are transcoded from utf-8 into utf-16-le and passed to the *W APIs. # encoding: utf-8 # encoding: iso-8859-1 # encoding: win-1252 Em ordem aproximadamente decrescente de probabilidade, esses são os encodings que o seu editor provavelmente usa.