Ask Question Asked 7 years, 1 month ago. Ok, there were no good straight forward references on google. Let's learn how to use select. Let's learn how to use select. Get the value of a selected option with Javascript Rails, Ruby. Deployment. Code example select_tag " name ", options_for_select (list. In the same curly braces as :include_blank you can add::selected_value => @record.value || nil. This is a made up example but by default I'll always know what "orange" is by name (not by id). Je peux le faire fonctionner, si j'ai coder en dur mais ce n'est pas une option viable. The value returned from calling method on the instance object will be selected. Railsアプリにform_forで選択ボックスを導入する方法 Examples of Bootstrap Multiselect use: Ingredient choice within a pizza delivery system Using selected option in rails select_tag. Returns