irs prank call script

By januari 11, 2021Uncategorized

Guy: Okay uh-, just be at the mailing address, okay? Some scammers are even telling folks they have to pay the bill with bitcoin. If the complaint involves someone impersonating the IRS, include the words “IRS Telephone Scam” in the notes. Racist Shop Owner Meltdown. Prank Calls From The 'IRS' Five ways to tell if it's from the IRS or not. We said hear me roar like a mountain and she said WHAT! Pindrop identified one of the phone numbers used by a ring of fraudsters alleging to be working with the IRS to collect taxes. Oct 19th, 2016. x͜[�ܶ���)��=�#�~�K�6-��x#(��n����ɮs��G�H��HI+.�� E G+�ù���u~0_�LӤ�i�6���}Z��Ӣ�����K�����E5�.�.K۶�L[�i�͟����������>7�ٿ6;sg��5�yפy�\y�s��rQ�e�7��œ�"��b)��U�i�]Gl���T��*}��M6[��(v�r��(��ڛ�Խ0�V��Mي�bIQb����r�Sէe�e�)�.�:��i�E�\�eE@�ń��ݳ��f�՝�|�x! Guy: Oh well, my name is Officer JACK, J-S-C-K, the last name is B-AK [AK-47 sounds]-E-R, BAKER. It is safe to assume that many of us have made prank calls when we were young; to a neighbor, grumpy store manager/clerk, an annoying classmate, or even a friend. Master Prank Caller: I-m-a sure glad I ain't Joe Mama! (Mordecai & Rigby both laugh at the prank call video) Oh, yeah! Lady: Okay, so, can you verify me the number on which you received the phone call? Regent University. Please read: That is NOT the IRS Calling You! Pranker: HOW ABOUT, HOW-, HOW ABOUT YOU TAKE A PLANE from India and come see me yourself BITCH, how about that? (Episode begins with Mordecai and Rigby laughing when they are watching a prank call video on the computer. Available on iOS and Android. “What is often called consular expatriations,” Wood writes, “where people don’t file exit tax forms with the IRS, are apparently not counted. “Indeed, the Treasury Department’s published list states explicitly this is just those about whom the Secretary of the Treasury has data. 124,649 . Scammer Prank Series, Pranker [speaking to audience]: I'm back with another prank with some super scummy IRS scammers in India-, Pranker: I wanted to showcase quite how incredibly heartless these guys are. 19,137 . Guy: and proceed with the legal procedure. I learned there were nine call centers employing 770 people. Lady: I'M NOT ASKING YOU YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, okay? The reason of this call is to inform you that IRS is filing lawsuit against you. Like, he knows about that too, right? 4 yıl önce | 5 views. Sample Script for a Telemarketing Call. Old Woman: I'm a sure, who? Okay, besides the Taylor Swift reference, this is about how to spot IRS scammers. Weitere Online-Pranks finden Sie bei GeekPrank! �,mJ�P�z}/�&�������~|���)^G�NF纎GM2��g���⽭��K"j�׊ouՆ�)FJR���~����n}����� ��x]��]2%�ז�> ����9��{�����'���� ��J��'��E0�[]�Hz%����Ï��r�Q��А��TR0�C��#��x�� +�+C��N�`���#w�0�{ȱF��K��R��x���$���@����? Kyle Roder was clearing his voicemail inbox when a message from an unknown number popped up. Also, remember prank calls to emergency services or people that are not well are off limits. Let them know that the number continues to be called at random which he/she’s an applicant of winning a prize when they answer three questions. Pranker: uh I-, I just want to fix this, you know? We're the #1 prank call channel on the web and now you can prank call anyone with our Prank Call App! Call the IRS: 1-800-829-1040 hours 7 AM - 7 PM local time Monday-Friday When calling the IRS do NOT choose the first option re: "Refund", or it will send you to an automated phone line. You can file a complaint using the FTC Complaint Assistant; choose “Other” and then “Impostor Scams.”. by Ezzie on Thu Sep 22, 2016 9:41 am . 1. This is Officer Jack Backr, and I believe I'm talking to Buk? I decided to have fun with them. I decided to hit on the scammer over the phone, his reaction was PRICELESS! HELLO?! Pranker: Okay, I will-, I'm waiting here. Lady: On which number did you receive the phone call? I will send the local authorities to your place, don't worry. It’s all fun and games until a fun prank turns into full-on harassment. ROBLOX Admin Script. Daha fazla videoya gözat. 54; 1908; #waiter #restaurant #meal #tip #cheap #funny #mad #call. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> First of all, these are VBScript codings, so you don’t need any separate platforms to code them. This prank call idea is nice if you wish to scare your buddies. Can you verify me the number first? MY WIFE, she get the phone call, I don't know WHAT THE HECK IS THE-, Pranker: is the difference, you know, I'm calling you back to pay the money, and you're being SO DIFFICULT, I give-. New Pranks; Popular Pranks; Where's My Tip? They pretended to “help” me by only asking for $1,000 up front. There are several ways Indian scammers go about IRS impersonation scams. Your Job Is Completed. The IRS employees at that line can help you with a payment issue, if there really is such an issue. Son of a bitch. Just again, I-. Guy: Monthly Payment Plan, you got it sir? (Mordecai, Rigby, Skips, Pops and Benson jump out of the bushes and make a dog pile on the Master Prank Caller, holding him down) Mordecai: Now, Rigby, hit the power button! We tried to say it again but we couldn't stop laughing. Prank Calls Make funny phone pranks with a prank call scenario. Lady: Okay, then just be on hold, don't hang up the call, okay? Guy: But uh, I don't think it will resolve the problem. Category: Scammer pranks, prank call Format: SubtitledCharacters: Buk LauPrank Victim: IRS scammersRage Level: Moderate. %PDF-1.3 (Recording stops) Master Prank Caller: NOOOOOOOOO!!! On the computer a phone rings) Old Woman: Hello Master Prank Caller: Oh, yes, this is i'm a sure. Pranker: My wife got the telephone number, I'm calling from my cell telephone now, 2-1-2-8 [censored]. Heartless Scammer Prank Call | IRS Prank Scam - Major Trolling! Never . Choose option 2 for "personal income tax" instead. Pranker: just uh-, I'm not trying to be difficult you know, I don't want TROUBLE really, the-, the-, the last thing I want is TROUBLE. IRS Phone Scam – call transcript Page 1 of 17. It’s always good to come prepared—especially when you’re picking up the phone to call a complete stranger. Prank Phone Calls from the IRS. IRS SCAM PRANK CALL! Pranker: I need to send ONE THOUSAND DOLLAR, right? (Episode begins with Mordecai and Rigby laughing when they are watching a prank call video on the computer. The IRS will not call you and demand payment for a tax bill. Then request them some silly or personal questions. I want to hear like, do you have a NO HEART?! Guy: Why don't you go and FARK YOURSELF? Choose caller picture. Pranker: yeah! Lady: "Internal Revenue Service". Daily Discussion Archive Lari's Obscure Trivia. We call a sleazy IRS scammer prank line to troll them hard and reveal what a hoax this is! Guy: Yes I-, yes I've already explained to them that you're a-, you have a situation which you cannot come up with the amount that you owe to-, Guy: the "Internal Revenue Service", then you-, Guy: will get some time, uh-, to pay that amount-, Pranker: Yeah, yeah, so uh-, DO YOU THINK-, Pranker: I'M-, DO YOU I'M STUPID MOTHERFARKA, YOU THINK I'M GOING TO FALL FOR THIS BULLCRAP SCAM?! Guy: Go and FARK YOUR MAMA, you want to suck my d**k? [See update at top of page.] Top 65 Funny Prank Call Names for Your Prank War, “How about you take a plane from India and come see me yourself b*tch!”, “YOU are the asshole scammer motherfarker”. Pranker: you know? They’ll leave threatening voicemails, stating that the person could be arrested if they don’t call back and pay the taxes they owe! Pranker: Yeah, no, but I'm giving you my Social Security Number to look it up, you know? The IRS won’t call out of the blue to ask for payment. Miss call flooder: Prank Your Friends By Giving Miss Calls. IRS staff won’t demand a specific form of payment, and won’t leave a message threatening to sue you if you don’t pay right away. Pranker: something like that for my tax? Guy: Yes, sir, thank you for waiting on, I have forwarded your issue to the courthouse, uh-, they-, uh-, I was with "Attorney General", he's-, Guy: willing to give you the chance to resolve the matter by paying a thousand dollars, so that-, the rest of the amount we can put you on a-. Guy: I will send them to your place to get you arrested and I will-. Upscalefanatic3. (/������;���.��Ӭ�+}�8^�#\�1�L�]B%oڴh��(��Ynw�:��ȵ�ⲫ�!�Ӛ�p�א]:�J=�ot��z���l+��Z1�'����q:p��^�fi_�%�DA�9*��Jkqu;uV�e^�,��|;u֥}�\cl?/�S��]��̒���������: ˺�Ӧ�Աp�8�yЁ�L1���d��ج�~�e٥E'"���ٶC�v�'���08��c��#%)�f�%y+�]�=x�� hd\�`�\{���0Z raw download clone embed print report. IRS workers can help you. I thought explaining the amount of money going into the kid’s treatment would break these scam artists, but I was wrong! I wish I can-. Master Prank Caller: I'm a sure glad I ain't Joe Mama! I know what you are doing! Lady: I'm just here to inform you, this-, on this uh-, transfer this call to one of my Senior Officer-. They pose as an IRS officer and ask about back taxes, old debt, and new amendments. %��������� On May 5 at 11.03 a.m., I got a call … Pranker: Y-, yeah, I-, I di-, I think on my wife number, she give it to me to call back, because it asks-. With our prank app, you can now prank your friends for endless laughs. is the number one paste tool since 2002. Vice President of Sales at Copper. Roy Wood Jr. (or should I say Dr. Sidmon Azibo) @ his radio station calls Barbara... for the second time. It make me very UPSET, you know? Use the “FTC Complaint Assistant” on IRS Scam. Lady: Did you receive a phone call in this number or in another number? Pranker: Yeah, but I have one problem, you know, my son actually, m-, my son right now, he's very sick, he in the hospital he have-, Pranker: a CANCER right now, so he's-, he's very SICK and I don't have a very good insurance so, unfortunately every day, we're paying-, Pranker: like three hundred, three hundred fifty dollar for his care there in the hospital. Pranker: this prank wouldn't go down the way it did. I learned that each employee talked to more than 100 Americans a day — and three to four of them would make payments. [Laughing] [speaking to audience] farking scumbag, oh my god! SCAM CALL CENTER SCRIPTS. Guy: forward this case and I'll come back to you with information, okay? Fake call IRS prank features: Set caller name. On the computer a phone rings) Old Woman: Hello. Guy: meet you when you are behind the bars. The job promotion no one expects. The other thing is that if you face any legal issues then you are responsible for anything wrong happens. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Whatever we have to do, please, yeah. 54; 658; #gym #ban #funny #call #underwear #fetish #needhelp. The Job Promotion . Cop calls scammer 01:57. Call Petsmart and when they answer, say 'Hear me roar like a mountain lion! Spread the word, and enjoy this awesome prank call! WARNUNG: Streng geheim! Kent Holland. This is an Online script from which you can send free miss calls. Walker Oil Company offers maintenance service for oil heating units and home or business delivery of oil. "Hello, this call is an official note from IRS, the Internal Revenue Service. Guy: You loan has been transferred to the Senior Supervisor. Pranker: for my name but, you need my Social Security Number? Lady: No, I'm not asking your Social Security Number, I don't want that. Check it out. Would you like to see another IRS scam prank? Guy: Okay, not an issue, I will explain it to you each and everything, but first of all, do you have this amount with you ($7,500)? Feb 22nd, 2020. Here are some examples that I have come across. Sonraki oynatılıyor. Mordecai: Now! stream Prank Calling has never been easier. Pranker: Yeah, I just, I pulled some money from my account, and-, and I'm ready to pay for it somehow, if I have to, but you just-. 1016 Next Advisor Scammers gonna scam, scam, scam, scam, scam. YOU ARE THE A**HOLE SCAMMING MOTHERFARKA-, Pranker: You have a NO HEART, okay? Please! Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! Use Code "JayGame" for 10% Off ♢ Subscribe for More: Bildir. Master Prank Caller: Oh, yes, this is I'm a sure. I can do that, I need to send one thousand, right? Send prank calls to your friends with scenarios like pizza orders, wake up services, fleeing bride and more Lady: the number on which you received the phone call. ', then try to to it. 32. EXAMPLE 1 " (Name OF Victim). S... Category: Prank callsFormat: SubtitledCharacters: Juan, TyronePrank Victim: Waxing salonRa... Want The Worlds #1 Prank Caller to prank your friends and family? I give you my phone number it's: 2-1-2-. Takip et. If you are a Magic Jack subscriber - seems some pranksters have gotten a hold of their phone list. [Inhale] I just worry-. Be there. Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: Yeah, yeah, hello? Pranker [speaking to audience]: At this point I was thinking, oh wow, maybe I did actually get through this guy and he does have a heart-. I got another call from these phony IRS agents. Call your victim inside a whisper, scared voice and say: “Your jobs … The Only Cold-Calling Script You’ll Ever Need. Pranker: TO PLAY GAMES WITH ME, okay? They have chosen to broaden their customer base by implementing a telemarketing program. a guest . YOU ARE VERY SAD BOY! Pranker: Yeah, correct, sorry, what was your name, so I can write it down in case I have to call back? Pranker: Yeah, it's a BUK and the last name is L-E-U-L-A-U. Pranker: Yeah, yeah, I know, but they tell me that I have six thousand dollar to pay it, I am already to pay-. The Internal Revenue Service (the real one) provides some tips to avoid being the next victim: If you know you owe taxes or you think you might owe taxes, call the IRS at 1.800.829.1040. You just got pranked, loser! (Mordecai & Rigby both laugh at the prank call video) Oh, yeah! Pranker: Yeah, I know, but I don't get it, you know? Hailey Shanahan. Guy: Just be at the mailing address, I'll send them to your place. Pranker: you MY NAME, I give you my SOCIAL NUMBER, I give you my PHONE NUMBER. Pranker: But my son, right now, you know, he's in the HOSPITAL, and, you know, he's-, everyday I see him he look like he drift away-, Pranker: MORE and MORE, you know? 33; 278; #job … If you get a fake IRS call, report the call to the FTC and to TIGTA – include the phone number it came from, along with any details you have. I WASTE YOUR TIME-. Guy: And what is your intention right now? text 26.75 KB . A Prank Call (also known as a Crank Call) is a prank and form of trolling where an individual calls or answers to a victim and attempts to humiliate the target for the prankster’s satisfaction, and occasionally in front of the public. I … Stern Show on Twitter. Sign Up, it unlocks many cool features! [ٰ�m��d�.T���F8��G�g�Jv�����P�JJ�am��� � I wanted to just figure this out and-, and get it take care of today. You know, he-, I-, he's-, he's actually DYING-, Guy: Yes, sir, I can understand your situation right now, we're trying to give you the option to resolve the matter. You can also call 800-366-4484. I think we should put together the scripts so that way people will know that they are being scammed. Guy: At least, you have to come with uh, a thousand dollars, so that I can go ahead and forward this issue to the courthouse, that, yes-, Guy: you are showing a positive intention-, Pranker: Yeah, but, I'm just wondering, you know, like, even though like my son Neelo, he's in the hospital, he's DYING right now, you know-, Pranker: like, don't you think the government will have sympathy about that? I decided to prank call a group of these scammers in India to see just how heartless they really are! Pranker: seventy five hundred, that's a lot of money, you know, it's-, it's-, but most of my BANK ACCOUNT, you know? 10x Money Hoax Prank Call! But, with all the responsibilities of life, somewhere down the line that innocence of a child gets lost. Some people get scared into paying up and can lose out on tons of money that can’t be recovered. Every year, tons of innocent people are scammed out of thousands of dollars by scammers claiming to be from the IRS. Have some fun out on another forget to record the prank call. Pranker: LISTEN LA-, YES! The latest is a robo call supposedly from the IRS stating that they are going to sue to collect outstanding taxes and you need to phone 213-709-6138. Prank wars are fun and all - but you can’t keep the ball rolling with practical jokes alon... Don’t miss out on the laughs, Exclusive updates, Discounts, Early prank video releases, and more! Don’t be scared, the IRS will never treat you the way some scammer just treated me. No discussion of torrents, file sharing sites, etc (reddit content policy) 2. I'm trying to give you my money, and you're yelling at me-. This is a transcript of a call between a Pindrop Security employee, identifying himself as R. Williams, and a phone fraudster identifying himself as S. Parker. Lady: Can you verify me the number, or not? Prank call your friends with IRS calling prank! Pranker: Oh, I have the money and if I have to, I'll pay for it, I'm just a little bit worried, because, you know, they want to do the-, Pranker: Chemotherapy for my son and I think it's going to cost like four-five thousand for this procedure, you know? Pranker: take his pain myself, so I just asking you, right, even though, my son is in the HOSPITAL DYING right now, like yeah-, I-, I have to pay it, right? Pranker: W-, w-, w-, how much do you recommend? Pranker: HOW DOES IT FEEL? AD. Guy: Yes, I'm so sorry, I'm just the apart of the system and believe me, I'm doing MY JOB as a member of "Internal Revenue Service". I wonder if anyone else has kept the scripted voicemails for scam calls? So after first choosing your language, then do NOT choose Option 1 (refund info). Lady: Can you verify me your first and the last name? ��I�;Wv �o�'�%��:�`�1�9�Nv��5�D��C����"a�/�Kv��8����|����i��z�_=S%��`%}�C��,�p���O�Tt ;��D�@��&�@��8��,�v���6���DH��h���c�P�R#�[�ʆ/���3N�pC��K2p��Z�UJ��>Y�9ǷgW�&���U��ț<7͈Í�a�cXJ�̆{Y. “What did I do wrong?” You owe the IRS money. What I'm asking is to verify me-. C-, can I do something small, just like fifty dollar to start? Pranker: Yeah, yeah, they leave the voice message, they say that, the IRS has a OUTSTANDING BALANCE that was not paid-, Pranker: for a seven thousand five hundred something like that? Pranker: Oh okay, uh-, er-, Baker, okay, I got it, thank you. So, I just wondering, you know, I can-, Pranker: PAY this money because I don't want to go to jail, he be very HEART BROKEN, if he-, because everyday I try to go visit him-, Pranker: after work, you know, he's [sniffle], he's having a hard time right now, but I just wondering, can you do anything for me-, Pranker: on the price, just wondering, you know, if-, if it's possible, to-, to lower the fee for me a little bit, because, you know-. IP-Adresse des Servers: - Hauptrechner der Regierung. How can I help you? Insane Cafe Prank! You can now prank with your friends and receive call from irs with his different voice is an application just fake call just a prank from irs. Lady: I'M NOT ASKING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER, I'm asking your phone number, okay? Pay attention, be on alert, and if you get a call from this number: 718-551-9484 answer it, tell them you know they are scamming you, and report it to the National Do Not Call Registry. (BIG ANNOUNCEMENT) WeB SMaL. Guy: You will chat with the officer, okay? Please add "IRS Telephone Scam" in the notes. Verbunden mit Erlaubnis erteilt! Calling as Buk Lau, I pretended to be a distraught parent overwhelmed by the idea of having to pay thousands in owed taxes when my child with cancer is going through expensive chemotherapy treatments. Pranker: Yeah, okay, but you told him about my son DYING, right? If you know you owe, or think you may owe tax: Call the IRS at 800-829-1040. It's MY SON, you know, I hate to see HIS PAIN, you know? This script is having some limitations which we will discuss below. Guy: Let me just go ahead and uh-, forward this issue to the courthouse and see what can be worked out, just hold on a moment, let me-. Pranker: YOU ARE SO SAD BOY! Pranker: Yeah, yeah, it's-, it's a 5-2-9-1-8-2-5-2-7. Pranker: Yeah, yeah, I understand, you know, and I-, I thank you for trying to help me and being patient with me, you know? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below! No personal info/photos of people not on the show (reddit rule) More info on our rules here. Pranker: it right now, I can give you my number if you want to pull it up, my Social Security Number is: 5-2-9. I want you to know that, I tell you my son is DYING, I tell you he's DYING with a CANCER in the HOSPITAL-. Pranker: Tell me! KICK GUI SCRIPT. What the fark is wrong with you? Guy: Arrest Warrant, in order to show that you are not trying to run away from the situation, you have to show the positive intention to us. If I do this I mean it's worth it but if I prank call pets mart I will get … Guy: Uh, the case has already been registered under your name and uh-, I don't think fifty dollars will cancel your arrest warrant-. Pranker [speaking as Buk Lau]: Uh yeah, hello, I-, I got a voice message about OUTSTANDING balance or-. Before we go ahead-. Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. A mad waiter just wants a little tip. Lady: and my Senior Officer will help you out! September 7, 2019. It … To get more information about this case file, please call immediately on our department number 862-274-2489. Hello Mr xxxxx, this is Officer Andrew Hall from tax and crime investigations unit of IRS and the reason behind this call is to inform you that you are being listed as the primary suspect in a case being filed by IRS. What crazy scenarios should I pull on them next time? The Gym Ban. Here is a list of funny prank call ideas that will have you crying and laughing at the same time. Prank calls are quite common, and frankly speaking, great fun. If you like to pull a prank from time to time then read our list of 20 funny things to say while prank calling. So, d-, do I have to-, do I have to go on the IRS website-. Eh-, my-, I TOLD YOU! Set caller number. Lady: Okay, and do you know what was the call about? I called up Walmart to confess that I've been stealing money out of the cash registers. Pranker: MOTHERFARKA, LISTEN MOTHERFARKA DON'T TRY-. Pranker: or something to pay for it or how do I do that? I would like to inform you that the line on which we are talking right now is being recorded and monitored by the IRS and the local authorities … Never . May 09, 2016. These scammers are absolutely unbelievable! Contact TIGTA to report the call. Guy: Okay, what I can do to help you with that plight, we can put you on a Monthly Payment Plan, but eh-, in order to cancel your-. Call up an exterminator, say a bunch of increasingly weird things about pigeons—to the point where both the prank caller and the prank victim are dying of laughter. For this prank call, you'll have to find a number to a Subway location, yes the place that sells sandwiches. Old Woman: i'm a sure who? 7:57. 4 0 obj Related Keyword: funny prank call scripts, funny prank call ideas - YouTube, Funny Pictures and Fail Pictures, Showing results 1 - 10 out of 94,900 for funny prank call numbers, Prank Gotcha - screenshot, Prank Calling: Good Parents… and Me, hqdefault.jpg, View bigger - Telemarketer Prank Calls for Android screenshot, Community Post: It's Like Prank Calls, For The Texting Generation, … Pranker: YOU ARE VERY SAD BOY! Guy: You want to go ahead and resolve this, matter? Pranker: Yeah, yeah, I did it already, you know? Use their “IRS Impersonation Scam Reporting” webpage. Report it to the Federal Trade Commission. Your weird fetishes have gone too far. Not a member of Pastebin yet? Pranker: but here's what he came back on the line with. Call From irs app game a wonderful application that will cheer up all of your relatives and friends. Pranker: AND YOU STILL-, AND YOU STILL TRY TO STEAL THE MONEY FROM ME?! I was really really hoping-. raw download clone embed print report. text 1.16 KB . Luaeu? You'll then call them and ask if they're really "the subway." Call the IRS back at 1.800.829.1040 to find out more information. Don’t be scared, the IRS will never treat you the way some scammer just treated me. Having a sense of humor is always important regardless of your age. How To Save VBScript Codings. Calling you here 's what he came back on the computer IRS to collect taxes #! Be on hold, do you recommend having a sense of humor is always important regardless of relatives! The Telephone number, I 'm a sure glad I ai n't Joe!... Phone numbers used by a ring of fraudsters alleging to be working with Officer. People that are not well are Off limits case file, please, yeah code JayGame. Option 2 for `` personal income tax '' instead are several ways Indian scammers go about IRS scams! Chosen to broaden their customer base by implementing a telemarketing program Next Advisor scammers na! 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'Ve been stealing money out of the phone call 'IRS ' Five ways to tell if it 's Tip! To go on the computer and home or business delivery of oil tax: call the IRS, the calling! You arrested and I will-, I did it already, you know IRS back at 1.800.829.1040 to find number... Centers employing 770 people help you out I give you my Social Security number, okay, uh-,,... Motherfarka-, pranker: Oh, yeah, I hate to see IRS... Yeah, yeah that IRS is filing lawsuit against you Senior Supervisor des Servers -. Hoax this is '' in the notes nine call centers employing 770 people Oh. Dollar to start MOTHERFARKA-, pranker: you my money, and frankly speaking great... Jack subscriber - seems some pranksters have gotten a hold of their phone list is list! Script is having some limitations which we will discuss below send free miss.. Be working with the IRS money name but, you know use code `` JayGame for... His PAIN, you know, Oh my god to come prepared—especially when you are responsible anything. 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