You can download select species by searching or when you're on a Taxa page like Class, Order, and Family. Interactions of these organisms range from obligate mutualism to commensalism to outright antagonism. It lays eggs on each pollinated ovary, and the hatched larvae eat some of the developing seeds. Top Each of these species may be independently viewed, and a dichotomous key to the males and females of the Tegeticula yuccasella complex is available on the Tree of Life Web Project (, but the key is written more for the professional lepidopterist with the knowledge and training in insect anatomy and the dissection, preparation, and microscopic examination of insect genitalia. William E. Ferguson. The moths then fly to another flower, where they use their tentacles to deposit the pollen onto the floral stigma – the receptive surface where the pollen needs to land in order to fertilize the flower. Yucca Wild Buckwheat Eriogonum plumatella Eriogonum plumatella + Added; 6 Banana Yucca Yucca baccata var. Larval survival is dependent on the mutualistic relationship between … Systematic revision of the yucca moths in the. Finally the yucca-moth mutualism (living together in such a way as to increase each other’s reproductive success) is vulnerable to exploitation by cheaters: other moth species lay eggs within fertilized flowers but do not pollinate the flower. Certain species of the yucca moth have evolved antagonistic features against the plant and do not assist in the plant's pollination efforts while continuin… The narrative follows that when a gravid female yucca moth is ready to lay eggs, she visits a yucca flower to collect pollen with specialized maxillary palp mouthparts called tentacles. Females use the tentacles of their maxillary palps to collect and compact the dense, sticky pollen from yucca flowers. Over millions of years of coevolution, the yucca moth has come to depend exclusively on the yucca plant blossoms as a repository for eggs and on the seeds as a food source for its larvae, and the yucca plant has come to depend exclusively on the moth as an agent for pollination. In their native habitats, all these yucca species require pollination by a female moth of the genus Tegeticula (Pronuba). “A Sub-familial Classification for the Expanded Aspergalean Families Amaryllidaceae, Asparagaceae, and Xanthorraceae.”. When the eggs are inserted, she deposits a little pollen from the previous yucca flower onto the second flower’s stigma and packing it tightly. This moth species is an obligate stem borer on the stalks of Soapweed. If everyone who uses this resource gives a small amount, we could cover our ongoing costs, develop new features, and upgrade the system. The early developmental stages of the moth (the larvae, or caterpillars), are found inside Yucca flowers (also known as Soapweed), where they feed on developing seeds. Greya subalba. 210044.00 – 0200.1 – Prodoxus decipiens – Bogus Yucca Moth – Riley, 1880 Photographs are the copyrighted property of each photographer listed. When the growing larvae have finished feeding on seeds, they burrow exit holes through the tissues of the fruit, drop to the ground, and burrow into the soil to complete metamorphosis within a cocoon (7). Some species are accidental pollinators when carrying host plant pollen on their bodies. When the eggs hatch, the larvae feed on the developing seeds within the fruit; fortunately, there are more seeds than the larvae can eat. Add this Plant to your Plant List Please first create an account and name your plant list so you can access whenever you want. Female yucca moth depositing eggs. 3. It is a host plant for the Yucca Moth. These small moths are typically white or gray and have relatively prominent maxillary and labial palpi that are shorter than the proboscis. The key component of yucca moth habitat is the occurrence of yucca plants. The yucca-yucca moth pollination mutualism is an excellent model in this context as there have been two origins of cheating from within the yucca moth lineage. In the central United States, soapweed yucca (Yucca glauca) is pollinated by a moth known as Tegeticulla yuccasella. Yucca is also native to some of the islands of the Caribbean. She scrapes pollen from the flower’s anthers, packing it into a ball carried beneath her head. Biologists have only recently determined that almost every species of yucca has its own species of yucca moth; some yuccas have two moth species. An important plant for wildlife, it provides food and nesting for small mammals, birds, and reptiles. The Five-spotted Bogus Yucca Moth is known from only two sites in Canada, one of which was discovered in 2011. Although dozens of other yucca moth and yucca plant species have similar relationships, the Tegeticula yuccasella andYucca elata,in the United States' … in The Tree of Life Web Project, The genus Prodoxus are the non-pollinating “bogus yucca moths” that coexist on yuccas with the pollinating yucca moths, Tegeticula and Parategeticula. There are about 12 genera known, five of which occur in western North America with over 50 species (6). They co-evolved over millions of years, and maintain a mutual dependence. Each spring, adult moths emerge from underground cocoons and the males and females meet up with each other on yucca plants to mate. Additional Sources of Information Related to "Insects". North American Moth Photographers Group North American Stoneflies Odonata Central Orthoptera of the Northern Great Plains Orthoptera Species File Online Pacific Northwest Moths Singing Insects of North America (SINA) Trichoptera World Checklist, https://en.wikipediaorg/w/index.php?title=Species_complex&oldid=957323164,,,,,, Pellmyr, Olle. Usually, but not always, a species complex has a common ancestor. 1999. Engelmann asked then Missouri State Entomologist, Charles Riley, to investigate the relationship between moths and yuccas. Moth larvae feed on the developing seeds. It has a wingspan of 18 to 28 mm, and females are slightly larger than males. As a footnote, there are no common vernacular names for the listed species of moths, other than lumping them together and calling them “yucca moths.” The moth-plant relationship goes back at least 40 Mya (16). Most of the Tegeticula and Parategeticula are obligate pollinators, but two species of Tegeticula have circumvented the act of pollination and become cheaters by taking advantage of Yucca as a host plant, but without contribution. The moth family Prodoxidae is a primitive group, some of which were the first nocturnal moths. There are about 49 species in the genus Yucca covering a large area of the Americas throughout Mexico extending into Guatemala and northward through Baja California and into the southwestern United States and Great Plains to southern Alberta, Canada. 2. At the same time, Riley significantly contributed to the general knowledge of insect biology with studies of the 13 and 17- year cicadas, and the pollination of yuccas---a subject of special interest to Charles Darwin (1). Two of the three yucca moth genera in particular, Tegeticula and Parategeticula, have an obligate pollination mutualism with yuccas. Each species seems to pollinate a different species of yucca, so these relationships are mostly exclusive. Information on this Species is incomplete... Yucca Moth. Only true yucca moths are known to pollinate yucca flowers. Examples include: 1. Such a tight mutualism has risks for both partners. … As a group, they are smallish and nondescript. Likewise, Prodoxus use yucca as a host but without offering pollination services. Historically, three species of Tegeticula have been recognized, and one species, T. yuccasella, has been regarded as the pollinator of all but two species of Yucca. Yucca moths are members of the family Prodoxidae and the genus Tegeticula. Most Prodoxus species are smaller than Tegeticula, but one species, P. decipiens (elevated from Syn. Look for this PDF icon at the top of each page as you search and browse. Often, rigorous studies of minute morphological details, tests of reproductive isolation, DNA analysis, and molecular biology techniques will be used to draw the dividing lines between species (9). For more than 40 million years there has been a relationship between yucca plants and yucca moths. 1997. Yucca moths (Tegeticula yuccasella) are actually a group of more than a dozen different species of small, rather nondescript whitish-gray bronze tinged moths. All Rights Reserved. Birds and bats are common predators of … baccata Yucca baccata var. Their bore holes are a common sight on trunks of such plants as the soaptree yucca. It’s a particularly important one because neither the yucca or the moth can survive without the other. Some of them have larvae that feed on developing seeds. Email Address. Yucca is also native to the southeastern United States from Texas to Maryland. Yuccas are only pollinated by th… Prodoxidae. "Yucca moths" have a remarkable biology. We used nuclear and mitochondrial DNA markers to examine genetic structure in a moth population where a cheater species is … Even though they belong to two different kingdoms in the universe of life on our planet, the yucca moth species known as "Tegeticula yuccasella" and the yucca plant species known, popularly, as the "soaptree yucca" and, scientifically, as the "Yucca elata" have forged an inseparable bond. The flowers on non-pollinated The eggs of all prodoxids are laid inside plant tissues where the larvae feed in stems, twigs, buds, seeds, or vegetative parts of developing fruits (5). Ecologically, yuccas are adapted to a wide range of habitats from rocky deserts, grassland prairies, mountains, light woodlands’ coastal sands, and semi-arid subtropical and semi-temperate zones (4). Prodoxids are members of the superfamily Incurvarioidea. This variety of Yucca is among the most cold-hardy and landscape ready of the species. The tissue in the gall serves as the primary food source for the developing larvae. Species: spp. The Yucca Moth family is a primitive one that is found worldwide, though not all Prodoxids are involved with yuccas. Two genera, Tegeticula and Parategeticula are known as “true yucca moths”; a third genus, Prodoxus, are “bogus yucca moths”, and a fourth genus, the closely related Greya (sometimes called greya moths) are of interest for plant-insect coevolutionary studies. The different closely related species, all of which are generally referred to as yucca moths, are difficult to distinguish without examination under a … Recently the species traditionally called T. yuccasella has been identified as being a complex of at least 13 species, many of which have very distinctive biology. They are most easily identified by their presence within Yuccaflowers. When a female is ready to lay eggs, she first goes to a yucca flower to collect pollen. baccata. Several yucca species are protected in the states in which they occur. Yucca Moths (Tegeticula yuccasella) are small white moths with a wingspan of 18-27.5 mm. The yucca plant is dependent upon the yucca moth for its survival and perpetuation of yucca plants. Among them are two non-pollinating species of 'cheater yucca moths'. We need your help. The mature larvae emerge from the fruit and burrow into the soil for pupation (11). This moth species is an obligate stem borer on the stalks of Soapweed. © Copyright 2021, Sibley Nature Center. Version 13 January 1997. “Yuccas, Yucca Moths, and Coevolution: A Review.”, Chase, M.W. whitish moth that blends well with the color of the yucca blossoms where it spends most of its brief adult life Bees - Discover Life. They are small, white, and grub-like, turning pink to dark red with age. P. quinquepunctella (eastern form) (13), is larger, white, and can easily be mistaken for some members of the Tegeticula yuccasella complex (14). Soapweed yucca (Yucca glauca) is a common plant in the Great Plains but also occurs in dry sandy and loess soils in Iowa, Missouri, and Arkansas. Moth and yucca are dependent upon each other, both benefiting from a relationship known as obligate pollination/herbivory mutualism. In the Southwest, one of their most iconic partners is the Joshua tree. Yucca moths are native to the Southwest, but their range has expanded north and east with yucca plants. Of the 80 or so species found worldwide, about 30 are native to North America. He became the first state entomologist for Missouri primarily to study grasshoppers and the grasshopper plagues of the American West between 1873 and 1877. Since 2003, researchers have discovered that what they thought was one moth is actually two distinct species, each specially adapted to pollinate one of two subtly different varieties of Joshua tree. The moths use these tentacle to collect balls of pollen from yucca flowers. The young larvae bore into the young fruit of Y. schottii and Y. elephantipella forming galls that replace several seeds. The yucca moth family. Larval survival is dependent on the mutualistic relationship between the Soapweed and its pollinator Yucca Moth. North American Moth Photographers Group at the Mississippi Entomological Museum at Mississippi State University, 210044.00-0200.1. The moth larvae feed exclusively on developing yucca seeds. I am studying whether the pollination mutualism or the seed-eating antagonism is the major driver in moth specialization. In Canada, Y. glauca and its pollinator moth Tegeticula yuccasella are both protected species. Migration and Dispersal The pistil (female part) of each flower ends in a three-lobed stigma.In order for pollination to occur, masses of pollen must be forced down into this central stigmatic hole. The first recorded observation of yucca moths was made by physician and botanist, George Engelmann in St. Louis in 1872. Charles Valentine Riley (1843-1895) was a British-born American entomologist and talented natural history artist. The Five-spotted Bogus Yucca Moth is known from only two sites in Canada, one of which was discovered in 2011. Range. Happy National Moth Week, July 18-26, 2020! The moth is equally dependent on the yucca. Prodoxus larvae feed on the vegetative parts of yuccas, but each species is highly specific in what tissues are used. Studies in coevolution demonstrate how increased genetic variance between two different organisms with strong interactions can result in increased fitness for both. One species endemic to Mexico, Y. queretaroensis, is listed under CITES Appendix II, which restricts international trade in this rare, endangered plant. The adults are small, diurnal, and have tiny spines covering their wings. Yuccas are actively pollinated by female moths in the genus Tegeticula that also lay eggs into the flowers. The T. yuccasella complex is now composed of 10 newly described yucca pollinator species (altiplanella, baccatella, carnerosanella, cassandra, elatella, maderae, mojavella, rostratella, superficiella, and treculeanella) and two non-pollinating “cheater” species (intermedia and corruptrix) that oviposit directly into yucca fruit (10). Yuccas are perennial shrubs and trees currently placed by many authorities into the family Asparagaceae and subfamily Agavoideae (3). Information on this Species is incomplete... Bumble Bee Species Accounts at Montana Entomology Collection, Field Guide to Common Western Grasshoppers, Native Wildflowers and Bees of Western Montana, Natural Heritage MapViewer (Statewide Database of Animal Observations), North American Dragonflies - Slater Museum of Natural History, USDA Grasshoppers: their biology, identification, and management, Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation. Only true … The adults are small with a wingspan between 4 and 16 mm and are usually dull colored, white, or gray. We depend on donations to keep Butterflies and Moths of North America online and freely available. The word "coevolution" speaks to organisms or systems that have interacted in ways that have influenced their evolution over time. The female moth then flies to another yucca flower immediately going to the flower’s ovary where the moth uses her ovipositor to insert eggs. Compa… One species, Parategeticula pollenifera, can be found in the pine-oak forests in southwestern Arizona, southwestern New Mexico, and Veracruz, Mexico, and is known to coexist with a member of the Tegeticula yuccasella complex. The Yucca Moth is a relatively small, slender-winged brown moth with a whitish head. Joshua trees are part of a highly specialized pollination relationship with yucca moths. The flowers attract butterflies. Contact … Ecologists long believed that one species of yucca moth (Tegeticula synthetica) pollinates both kinds of Joshua trees. Yuccas have a very specialized, mutualistic pollination system, being pollinated by yucca moths (family Prodoxidae); the insect transfers the pollen from the stamens of one plant to the stigmaof another, and at the same time lays an egg in the flower; the moth larva then feeds on some of the developing seeds, always leaving enough seed to perpetuate the species. A species complex is a group of closely related, but distinct species of organisms that are so similar in appearance that it is often unclear in how to distinguish between species. But greya moths lack the specialized behaviors and morphological structures characteristic of true pollinating yucca moths (15). She may lay more eggs in the flower’s ovary or yet fly to another flower, but before leaving, she marks the flower with a pheromone signaling to competitors that there are eggs already present for too many eggs will cause the yucca to abort the flower. Pellmyr, Olle. They are famous for an old and intimate relationship with Yucca plants and are their obligate pollinators as well as herbivores. Here's some links if you want to download a whole group. Tegeticula yuccasella. Pellmyr, Olle. The Yucca Moth is typically 0.4 inches to 0.5 inches (12mm to 13mm) in size and has the following descriptors / identifiers: white, black, gray, white, speckled, spotted, dots, flying, garden pest . Yucca moth, (genus Tegeticula), any of four species of insects of the Prodoxidae family of moths (order Lepidoptera). Alternative Title: Tegeticula. Since greya moths are closely related to yucca moths they have become the subjects of numerous plant-insect coevolutionary studies. The yucca moths have a unique biology and are well-noted for their ancient relationships with Yucca ranging from obligate mutualism to commensalism to antagonism. Tegeticula is one of the two genera of true yucca moth pollinators of yuccas. Yuccas are noted for their evergreen rosettes of tough, sword-shaped leaves and large terminal panicles of whitish flowers. Information on this Species is incomplete... Alberta Lepidopterists' Guild. More recent morphological, molecular, and biological data show that T. yuccasella is instead a large complex of species that differ greatly in their biology (8). Password. and Fay, M.F. ; Reveal, J.L. Like Tegeticula, the females of P. pollenifera have maxillary tentacles used for gathering pollen and actively pollinate its host plants, but unlike Tegeticula, the females possess a blunt ovipositor used to prepare a groove, usually in a flower pedicel, and lay a row of eggs. All species of Prodoxus complete their entire metamorphosis inside the host plant tissue, and only emerge as adults, and in some species after many years of larval diapause (12). Riley and two California-based assistants, Albert Koebele and D.W. Coquillett are most noted for pioneering the principles of biological pest control, but they also had avocational interests in the microlepidopterans, including yucca moths (2). Parategeticula are the other mutualistic pollinators of various Yucca species. Prodoxus moths completely lack tentacular appendages on the maxillary palps possessed by the pollinating genera. Two genera, Tegeticula and Parategeticula are known as “true yucca moths”; a third genus, Prodoxus, are “bogus yucca moths”, and a fourth genus, the closely related Greya (sometimes called greya moths) are of interest for plant-insect coevolutionary studies. Coevolutionary studies to yucca moths are members of the 80 or so found! 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