quilt false back

By januari 11, 2021Uncategorized

Since I am helping hang the exhibition I am sure no one will mind if I faff around with my camera a bit. Homespun Hearth, an online quilt shop which offers quality and innovative quilting products around the world was recently selected to join the Google Trusted Stores program. … ), ( The next layer is batting. Either one I do not use anymore or a new one, bought at IKEA (we live in the Netherlands). 82 You can gently pull on the facing strips as you press to help. Please be assured you are so appreciated! Mind if I ask what camera and settings you use? 7 20 5 … Next, you will pin this to the edge of you quilt top with raw edges even and the fold facing the middle of the quilt. Over this week past, I caught the false back to the quilt sandwich at the point of each diamond and hid that point with a bead. Timmermade sleeping bags, camping quilts, jackets, and hoods. You just don’t want the facing strips to show on the front. Its strange to think its finished now!! 38 Here is the finished quilt click on the image and you will taken to larger photo. Beautiful. I have loved watching this quilt from its beginning many years ago. Congratulations Sharon, this is a wonderful display of your lovely work…. Finishing a Quilt With Backwards Binding: The traditional way to finish a quilt uses bias binding sewn to the front, folded around to the back, and whipstitched by hand all around the back. Your clear decriptions are giving me the courage to think about trying something larger. Last week I showed how I  was tying/quilting the crazy quilt and was ready  to attach a false back to hide the mess. I recently got two new Cuddle Quilt Kits from Shannon Fabrics, a cute Leo the Lion applique set & The Derby race car themed kit for my oldest son. RH's Quilts & Coverlets. 113 Thanks for sharing. ), ( ), ( ), ( We also offer computerized quilting services with a quick turnaround. A point each side and a point in the middle. I love seeing your process here. I needed to make 3 quilts… It was great to meet you all! 19 As each stitch is hidden behind a bead or button.As you can see it looks quite neat, From here on most of the techniques used are standard quilting techniques. Love your work, and thank you, thank you, thank you, for your stitch guide. ), ( Congratulations on meeting your deadline, Sharon! ), ( ), ( It makes me want to walk away from this essay on Web 2.0 and do some stitching. What more can I say!! Your email address will not be published. Select A Back Issue. In addition, you'll find fabulous pre-cut fabrics and sewing notions that … If you really like what you see, be sure to check out my Instagram and Facebook Pages pages for ongoing content and day-to-day happenings with me. Assembling a crazy quilt part 1 – Trimming the blocks, joining and a construction technique that means  the seams sit flat, Assembling a crazy quilt part 2 – Working in Sections, Assembling a crazy quilt part 3 – Tying the quilt sandwich, Assembling a crazy quilt part 4 – Adding a false back. Orven Make-Do Pin Cushion Kit . Check It Out . The quilted top is heavy and doesn't seem to spray baste as securely as a typical quilt sandwich. Fabric's Warp Threads: Long threads, called warp threads, are stretched on the loom and secured.They become the fabric's lengthwise grain, the threads that are continuous along the length of the yardage. Continuous binding can be machine-sewn to the front side of the quilt and hand-stitched to the back, but I prefer to attach it to the back side of the quilt with no hand sewing. ), ( I'm ashamed to say that a few years ago I was asked to make some memory quilts for 3 kids after the passing of their father. The rod pockets run the width of the quilt. International shipping $10 flat rate, free for orders over, Work in Progress Wednesday : Catching the false back and binding, For the Love of Stitching Sampler – Band 128, I am demonstrating at the Guild Exhibition. Repeat this on the opposite side. Thanks again for sharing so many of your unique construction techniques here. A new book will be released in February 2017! You must feel so proud! Thank you for sharing this with us. Stocked Items Ready for Delivery in 3-7 Days ), ( I think it is beautiful and is going to be greatly admired at the show. Choose from over 14,000 designer patterns, customize it and have it printed on your choice of quality fabric Choose from over 14,000 designer patterns, customize it and have it printed on your Waterloo Region residents can pick up a quilt block kit for free from various local businesses or follow instructions online. ), ( Oh, WOW! Your tumbling blocks crazy quilt is a stunning beauty! 14 2) After quilting you need to trim those edges. ), ( Self-binding from the back wasn't an option because the fabrics were cut width-wise (so back & front were the same size). Turning a quilt it just one way of making it. The Underground Railroad was a network of secret routes and safe houses established in the United States during the early to mid-19th century, and used by enslaved African-Americans to escape into free states and Canada. You can check out our classes and quilting clubs on our Specialty Clubs tab. In this case, if you leave it on your quilt will have 4 layers instead of the traditional 3. You're a PEACH! People also make quilts by making a blind/invisible hand stitch around the whole border of the quilt. 47 11 ), ( Having your blog as a resource is making me think that maybe I could get through a project like this, too. People also make quilts by making a blind/invisible hand stitch around the whole border of the quilt. I’ve come back to quilting after several years pause. ), ( ), ( Plus, I'm glad I don't have to do it. You take GREAT close-up pictures!! Posted in Quilt-Alongs, Quilts Tagged partners in design, qal, qal by the sea, quilt along, seashell, seashells 13 Comments on QAL by the Sea Block 1 You may also like: Holiday Gifts to You (v. 2.0) The scheme was assisted by abolitionists and others sympathetic to the cause of the escapees. I don't think I ever would have tackled a full quilt before but now I'm really considering it, thanks to you! 13 wishing the show A Great Successansu chennai. I am great fan of you Sharon.Whenever I have a doubt in my work I open your site for reference.I do some embroidery but only on dresses for my daughter.I dont do it on bed linens as I am from India it is not dust free like US.I am now in the US for my daughters second delivery and was going through yuor blog.What are the lessons you take in the online classes.Is it for begginers?Tell me more about it.ThanksByeMahalakshmi my name is a little hard to pronounce for you RIGHT! ), ( PRODUCT SOLD OUT. ), ( It looks stunning from where I’m standing. I really enjoy your blog and reading about this quilt. 4 Each point has one of these gold disks held on with a seed bead, the threads runs through the quilt to the back where it is secured with another seed bead. Quilt Kits. Thanks everyone for your praise and comments. Now for the final step: binding your quilt. Looker, 95, used her supply of quilting materials and soon was making up to 10 masks a day at her assisted living facility in Marysville, about 30 miles (48.28 kilometers) northwest of Columbus. From Hoffman Fabrics To allow you to have the most flexibility when ordering, fabric is sold by the 1/4 metre (1 unit). Applying the False Back to the Crazy Quilt After I took a little two and a half hour detour to get the lavender piping sewn on last night, I was ready to construct my CQ "sandwich"this morning, of top, drapery lining batting, and a false back of very thin cotton lawn. Shop now! Let’s get those facing strips to the back where they belong! Thanks for showing us all as you went – its great to see the progression and pour over the details as they come . If you want 1 metre, you will need to order 4 units. In addition, you'll find fabulous pre-cut fabrics and sewing notions that … PRODUCT. Assembling a crazy quilt part 5 – Catching the false back and binding. Find used machines for-sale too. I’ve come back to quilting after several years pause. I love teaching Crazy Quilting online! You can check out our classes and quilting clubs on our Specialty Clubs tab. Thanks so much for visiting my site! Take a fresh look at the world of traditional quilting with this popular UK quilting magazine. I needed to make 3 quilts… http://princessbubblescreates.blogspot.com/, Creative Stitches for Contemporary Embroidery: Visual Guide to 120 Essential Stitches for Stunning Designs, The Visual Guide to Crazy Quilting Design: Simple Stitches, Stunning Results. It was great to meet you all! It's great to see how your things go together. The back is a taupe Egyptian cotton sheet. If some of the quilt top shows on the back, that’s okay. Also many thanks for all the final assembly details. Posts on How to assemble a Crazy Quilt which include; Just a quick reminder for those who are interested in taking a class with me. Both had a fun mix of textures & coordinating prints and were beyond snuggly soft. This is the bead at the back as I am working it. The quilt had layers and layers of thread work, overlays of sheer fabrics with more layers of thread work, more thread work where I just got carried away having fun. I would love to have the chance to see the quilt "live" but I will be too far away to get to the exhibition. Plus learn all about quilt heritage. Buy top selling products like Boston Traders® Helena 3-Piece Reversible Quilt Set and Provincetown Reversible Quilt. Repeat this on the opposite side. Plus learn all about quilt heritage. I wish I were not halfway around the world, so that I could come to see it in person. I am taking your encrusted crazy quilting class and can’t wait for it to start. ), ( It is my article in CQMagOnline entitled, "CQ Engineering". 9 18 Place the open seam against the quilt's back. A very helpful acronym for this kind of fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real. False back to hide stitches by: Anonymous If you use a false back like muslin to hide your stitches, do you leave it on or eliminate as much as you can before you put the real back on? You will find all my classes listed under the top tab imaginatively titled Classes online you will also find information on how online classes are run. Turning a quilt it just one way of making it. This is a real pain in the rear for quilters like me who are used to doing everything on the machine.… Colour block quilt | Wit Konijn September 16th, 2013 . Sometimes we ‘look’ and ‘gain’ from others’ work, but forget to thank. The lens is a Leica, Congratulations Sharon.How i wish i could come to your show-but am far away in India. ), ( Now I have a quilt top that needs me to decide on binding and I have hit a wall. ), ( ). 19 The next layer is batting. Click here for 25% off the class price. ), ( ( August 2020 - Back To School - Quilt Block Mania This analog color scheme spreads over more than half of the color wheel. Use your iron and plenty of steam to press the facing strips to the back of the quilt. Please do allow me to add my appreciation to you for your generosity of sharing your work and instruction on the web. Some were more successful than others. ), ( August 2020 - Back To School - Quilt Block Mania This analog color scheme spreads over more than half of the color wheel. ), ( 32 Sharon… the diamond project is spectacular! From Hoffman Fabrics To allow you to have the most flexibility when ordering, fabric is sold by the 1/4 metre (1 unit). 12 The bottom layer of a quilt is a piece of fabric that is generally 4 inches longer and wider on all sides, this allows for quilting. After stitching each point of all the diamonds I added the rod pocket. The quilt is going to look like a very fancy victorian lady when finished. This quilt is a spectacular work of art and you deserve every single accolade that will be coming your way as people see it. A very helpful acronym for this kind of fear is: False Evidence Appearing Real. Really gorgeous. 24 ), ( Thanks so much for sharing all your beautiful work and all of your how-to’s. I am learning so much following you through this process. ), ( Quilters use extra wide fabrics for beautiful, seamless quilt backing. ), ( Shop for nautical quilts at Bed Bath & Beyond. The amount of work you put into it is amazing – congratulations on finishing the quilt, it is quite an achievement. It's a scrap quilt with squares in squares and fabric that spans generations. 17 technique: landscape, Projects: Pretty Crazy Renaissance Ribbon, projects: Silk Amish Inspired Crazy Quilt, projects: Washougal River Valley View AAQ 12, techniques: landscape quilt embellishment, techniques: waste canvas embroidery/cross-stitch, trips: Salt Lake City Spring Quilt Market 2011. ), ( Backing: A quilt consists of three layers. Thank you for sharing the journey with us, it has been a pleasure to watch first the individual blocks and then the creation of the quilt. As mentioned above I like to use the backing fabric for the binding, it’s a bit of a cheat and the finish isn’t as clean as using proper binding, but at this point I usually just want to get it done quickly (in this case the baby was already two weeks old, so the gift was long overdue! The machine-binding method is much faster and easier for quilters like me who hate hand sewing. Links to these explanations are at the bottom of the post). Nature's ingenious creation, complex and simple at the same time. I must admit to enjoying them thoroughly. Congratulations Sharon!! Use a whipstitch to sew the top edge of the tube to the quilt backing. Absolutely stunning! You should always have extra on the sides when quilting anyways, but just in case check. Then, lay your quilted quilt top on the backing, right side up. Next you will do the same thing for the top and bottom, overlapping the flange at the corners. This is such an amazingly delicate operation! ), ( 46 88 Post was not sent - check your email addresses! I love to make things and like nothing better than checking things off the list. Well done. It is just amazing! ), ( What a lot of talented quilters. It looks fabulous. Thanks bunches! 28 9 This is the bead at the back as I am working it. Shop now! Your email address will not be published. Of course the rod pocket takes the weight of the quilt so it would be silly to just stitch it through just the false back. If you are interested in the back story of this quilt and seeing photos of each block as it was made browse the posts  in the Diamond block crazy quilt category. The fabric is not too thick and the value for money is great, not expensive. That is just amazing. I would love to come to the display but Brisbane is a little too far away! Fabrics N Quilts specializes in beautiful batik and cotton print fabrics from today's hottest designers and brands you trust like Moda, Tonga, Hoffman, Timeless Treasures, QT Fabrics, Henry Glass and more. I have held off on doing them simply because I couldn't figure out how to do them. The top edge of the quilt, you need to leave a 12-inch hole in the middle of the quilt so that you can turn it. Next you will do the same thing for the top and bottom, overlapping the flange at the corners. 4 Dear Candy, what a blessing finding your tutorials on YouTube! Issue 70 23/12/2020. ), ( So far I have only had the courage to complete baby-size crazy quilts, that have very little embellishment other than embroidery. I love the colors of the front. 3 The blocks are beautiful and your completion doea them justice.Sally. Wow! It really makes sense, & gets my gears turning, thinking of others ways I might use the process. Weft Threads: More threads, called weft threads, are woven back and forth, perpendicular to the warp threads and along the entire length of the warp threads. At a quarter to midnight last night I finished binding the quilt. ). Take a fresh look at the world of traditional quilting with this popular UK quilting magazine. ), ( Find out more about APQS longarm quilting machines and features. I have held off on doing them simply because I couldn't figure out how to do them. That’s according to Marsha MacDowell, a quilt scholar and director of the Quilt Index, a massive online catalog of more than 90,000 quilts. 15 Specialty Quilts & Fabrics, LLC offers only top quality quilting fabrics, jelly rolls, charms, layer cakes, kits, fat quarter bundles, wide linings, books, patterns, embroidery blocks, and notions. Once the rod pocket was attached I cut out the binding on the bias. For quilts with curved edges, you should make bias binding instead. 16 ), ( The bottom layer of a quilt is a piece of fabric that is generally 4 inches longer and wider on all sides, this allows for quilting. 8 I’ve linked to your stitching guide through Wee Folk Art’s FaceBook page. ( Showing 1 - 30 of 71 results: Page 1 2 3 > PRODUCT. I'm a quilter, crafter, mother, wife, daughter, businesswoman but not necessarily in that order. You just don’t want the facing strips to show on the front. as you can see the bead at the back catches the false back to the quilt sandwich. We also offer computerized quilting services with a quick turnaround. Over this week past, I caught the false back to the quilt sandwich at the point of each diamond and hid that point with a bead. ), ( False Arrest is the tenth episode of the first seasonfrom the television sitcom on Family Matters, which was aired from ABC on November 28, 1989. Hand stitch the top edge of the sleeve to the quilt, using a whipstitch or blind stitch. ), ( Batting is a super thin poly, interfacing thin. Waterloo Region residents can pick up a quilt block kit for free from various local businesses or follow instructions online. 5 You know I'm obsessed with that whole back thing because of one mean spirited quilter, so I love it when you show the crazy backs! Fear often has us imagining the worst possible outcome to a problem when in reality the outcome is rarely as bad as fear tells us it’s going to be. Sharon, congratulations on completing THE quilt. You will find all my classes listed under the top tab imaginatively titled Classes online you will also find information on how online classes are run. I was never very good at free motion by machine, only stitch in the ditch, but mostly hand quilting, which I really love, but now I have bad bad arthritis, right wrist can’t handle it … The process is superb! Issue 70 23/12/2020. ), ( Tricky stuff! ), ( Let’s get those facing strips to the back where they belong! Continuous binding can be machine-sewn to the front side of the quilt and hand-stitched to the back, but I prefer to attach it to the back side of the quilt with no hand sewing. I usually use basting spray for my quilts, but with quilt-as-you-go, pins may be better. As always, beautiful work. The quilt is beautiful and I wish you great success at the exhibition.Congratulations on finishing the quilt too.Now I will have to read back through the process. Shop for nautical quilts at Bed Bath & Beyond. Posted in Quilt-Alongs, Quilts Tagged partners in design, qal, qal by the sea, quilt along, seashell, seashells 13 Comments on QAL by the Sea Block 1 You may also like: Holiday Gifts to You (v. 2.0) To think about trying something larger traditional 3 focus is on hand embroidery and crazy quilting say.! S get those facing strips as you press to help interested in taking a class with me absolutely and... All your beautiful work and instruction on the facing strips to the quilt about! A resource is making me think that maybe I could come to see how your things go together have... Ugly after all that heavy quilting long stitch length of 4.0 – 5.0 ) sew very... Usually use basting spray for my quilts, that ’ s okay click here for 25 % off class! Long stitch length of 4.0 – 5.0 ) sew a very fancy victorian lady when finished front... Wit Konijn September 16th, 2013 layers instead of the rod pockets the! And pin the top edge of the quilt now I 'm really considering it, thanks to for! 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